Week Beginning 9th September 2024

Monday morning we have been looking after our nursery environment by helping to tidy an rearrange our mud kitchen. We have enjoyed “what’s in the bag” sessions in the garden which helps to develop a range of language skills, to share and identify word patterns as well as apply counting on and back skills.

Tuesday Today we have been role playing firefighters after seeing a fire engine go past the nursery. We have introduced our kindness tree which has prompted discussions of different acts kindness. Each act of kindness will be added to our tree. A couple of children recognised a difference in the change of weather which has resulted in creating kites at the art area.

Wednesday At the play dough table  some children have been making flowers, butterflies,  stars and the sun- using numeracy skills to count the decorations for the petals. Outdoors at the mud kitchen some have been role playing “going fishing” to make fish and chips.. Following on from a current interest of making cups of tea, a couple went to our local charity shop to buy some items to be added to our mud kitchen.

Thursday Today at gym we all joined a session of “what’s in the bag?”. We took turns selecting objects from the bag relating to a song/rhyme which allowed us to develop rhythm and movement, follow instructions turn take and share space.

Friday We welcomed back our families to our family Bookbug session enjoying songs, rhymes.  Whilst some children have been in the mud kitchen making “soup” , using different methods to gather natural objects to add.

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