At Donibristle Primary School, we believe that promoting good emotional wellbeing and positive mental health is fundamental in supporting positive behaviour, self regulation and improving the attainment and achievement for all of our learners.
Every child or young person should be safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included. These eight indicators (SHANARRI) help make sure everyone – children, parents, and the people who work with them, such as teachers and health visitors – has a common understanding of wellbeing
To read more about how we support all children in school, please click the link below.
Our Minds Matter
The emotional wellbeing of our children and young people matters.
It’s normal for children and young people to face emotional challenges growing up and their mental health is as important as their general physical health and wellbeing.
We recognise that everyone has a role to play in supporting young people to keep emotionally well and thinking about what might help when someone needs additional support with their mental health. We think it’s important to think about what we do in a flexible way, with different layers of support and action from different people and services.
For more information please refer to the document below or click the link for information and sources of support.
We are proud to be accredited as Kitbag Ambassadors at Donibristle Primary School.
Kitbag is designed to help people become calm, resilient, understand one another better and grow positive relationships. These capacities enable us to deal more effectively with today’s uncertain, complex and challenging world.