Thank you to Mrs Quinn for bringing baby Macy and Miss Robertson for bringing baby Lucas into nursery to share a learning experience with the children and answer their questions.
The nursery children enjoyed learning about the life cycle of chickens. The chicks have been returned and we received feedback saying how well we had taken care of them.
The nursery would like to say a big thank you to Mrs Pickard for bringing two lambs into nursery so that the children could have a hands-on experience.
“I know not to scare them because they get frightened.” Said Lewis.
“We learned lambs will grow to this size!” Cameron held up his arms to show us all.
“I touched them they felt soft.” Said Saul.
” I liked feeding them and stroking them.” Said Freya.
The nursery children have been checking the eggs in the incubator and finally the chicks have hatched. We are also looking at the life cycle of tadploes – they are getting bigger and we are keenly looking for other signs of change.
The children moving on to school in August have been spending time with their P6 buddies. We had a fun afternoon with the boys and girls and their parents/carers.
Just another – Fife site