The nursery children visited the local shop, playgroup , surgery and the Burnside Hall delivering posters about the Coffee Morning and Afternoon on Tuesday 8th November. The boys were developing confidence as they engaged with people explaining we were raising money towards our puppet show.
The children were excited to find lots of different bugs when we moved a piece of wood. They used magnifiers to take a closer look and used an insect guide to see what they found.
Malcom brought in a shed skin from a tarantula to share with his nursery friends which sparked lots of learning about spiders.
Logan shared his knowledge. “Spiders live in webs and they are very sticky to catch a fly. They go round and round and round. “
May drew a picture for our learning book. “My spider has lots of legs!”
STEAM in action as the children worked together to move the guttering, hose pipe and bottles to make water flow. Harry realised a funnel would help to put water into the hose. “This one is too big – I need a smaller one.” Said Harry as he tried different sizes.
The children made their own shopping list and used it to buy snack at the shop. They looked at environmental print on their walk looking for familiar letters on street signs. Max was impressed by all the different kinds of bread.
Mrs Heggie from Childsmile came to talk to the children about the importance of limiting how often the children come into contact with sugar and reminded them how to correctly brush their teeth. She had a chat with parents looking at the sugar content in foods such as yogurt and smoothies.