School Values

Our values were created collectively after consultation with all stakeholders including pupils, staff, parents & carers and the wider school community.

Our values are embedded into the learning and teaching within the school. They are promoted to pupils in every aspect of school life.

Balcurvie School Values

Be Caring

Be Resilient

Work Hard

Work as a Team

In addition to our values we also use the Wellbeing Indicators from SHANARRI as an integral part of our work and are embedded in all that we do. Our school community have the right to be Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible & Included.

To support pupils with skills for life and work we encourage pupils to think about Shirley Clarke’s Learning Powers. Pupils designed their own characters to represent each power alongside stories to make them easier to remember for our youngest learners.

Work Hard. Work as a team. Be resilient. Be caring

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