P6 – Mr McGinty


This term we finished our Viking topic by learning about how the Vikings raided and settled all over Scotland, which led us on to our Scotland focus where we discussed how movement of people to and from Scotland over time has shaped both our country and the rest of the world. At our Scottish open afternoon, we encouraged families to add to our map of the places people had come from or travelled to from Scotland as well as showing them the two dances that we learned – The Gay Gordons and Orcadian Strip The Willow. We have moved on to functional writing where we have been learning to write newspaper articles, and in numeracy we took what we learned about place value to start thinking about addition and subtraction calculations.



P6 have been learning about place value in Numeracy, both with whole numbers and decimals and have been continuing to work on our personal writing. We were all very pleased to present out Remembrance Day assembly to the school and spent a lot of this term learning about the First World War. We took a walk with Mr Thomson’s P6/7 class to the Methil war memorial where we talked about all the men from our area who fought and died during World War One and added some of this in to our assembly which the rest of the school was very interested to hear. We also started learning about the Vikings and a highlight was being joined by Miss Kinnell who taught us how to write our names in old Viking runes!

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