Hello, welcome back for another term of fantastic learning which I am sure we will all enjoy. Primary 6/7 have worked extremely hard the past two terms and I am positive they will continue to do this moving forward in term 3.
This term is a very busy one for numeracy with lot of different focuses.
We have been focusing on using different kind of graphs and timetables that are used in everyday contexts. The pupils worked really hard of this area and were able to link this into real life situations.
This term is on fractions where we are learning to be able to investigate the everyday contexts in which simple fractions, percentages or decimal fractions are used and to solve problems involving fractions. This will involve solving equivalent fractions, simplifying fractions, being able to show fractions as decimals and percentages and being able to compare and order fractions. A common theme of fractions is being able to multiply and divide so we will be focusing on that as well.
Pupils will also be focusing on measure and using their knowledge of sizes of familiar objects or places to assist them when making an estimation of a measurement. They will also use the common units of measure, convert between
related units of the metric system and carry out calculations when solving problems.
In writing, we are focusing on different pieces of functional writing. This involves persuasive writing, instructions and reports. Right now, we are working on persuasive writing where pupils have written fantastic pieces of work, for example, why school uniform should be banned and why school days should be shorter.
Reading is big a focus right now in primary 6/7. Pupils are given their books home every week with a certain number of pages to read. Pupils work hard to get this done and it shows in their writing and comprehension skills. We also focus on using different comprehension skills to enhance their reading ability. This is areas such as summarising, predicting, making connections, tapping prior knowledge, inferring and word solving.
Our topic this term is space. The pupils in the class have taken a keen interest in this and are enthusiastic to learn about it. We are focusing on the earths motion, moon phases, solar and lunar eclipses, stars, galaxies, constellations, the universe and the solar system.
Physical Education
In Physical Education this term, our focus is on gymnastics. We will be learning a variety of different skills in this area and increase our knowledge and technique in gymna