P2/3 – Mrs Moodie/Mrs Connell

Teachers: Mrs Moodie (Monday-Wednesday) and Mrs Connell (Wednesday-Friday)

Gym days: Mondays and Wednesdays

Library: every 3rd Wednesday

This term we have been investigating Scottish Wildlife and finding out facts about animals and birds including highland cows, wildcats, red squirrels and puffins. We have been looking at their appearance, habitats, diets and baby names.

Our next topic will be Spring and celebrations.


This term the class have being using their topic of Scottish Wildlife in literacy, this has included – fact and opinion, finding information, asking questions (using question marks) and commas.


Term 3 the class have been adding and subtracting, skip counting and learning to use positional language.


This term the class have enjoyed learning about fractions. In fractions we have been exploring shapes by cutting them into ½, 1/3 and ¼s. Next, the class will be looking at movement.

We have also been looking at the days of the week and months of the year.

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