Aberhill Primary
Standards and Quality Report Achieving Excellence and Equity
June 2021 |
Our Vision
At Aberhill we encourage everyone to aspire to reach their full potential and achieve a positive destination.
What We Value
At Aberhill the health and wellbeing of our learners is at the heart of everything we do. Relationships are built on trust and respect in a safe a supportive environment where kindness is very much valued and encouraged.
Our Aims Link to the 4 Capacities Effective Contributors We will provide a climate where everyone feels welcome, secure and their views valued so that they can contribute effectively to their own learning, the school and the wider community. Confident Individuals We will provide high quality teaching in all curricular areas and support and develop wider opportunities, encouraging all pupils to participate in these and become confident individuals. Successful learners We will provide a rich and exciting curriculum which engages and motivates children and in which every child can develop fully as an individual and achieve their full potential by becoming successful learners. Responsible Citizens We will provide opportunities that are worthwhile, equitable and help our learners develop into responsible citizens. We aim to encourage our learners to be accountable for their actions and resilient in the face of challenges.
Improvement for Recovery Priority Work
Session 2020 – 2021 |
NIF Priority
Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing
NIF Drivers · Teacher’s professionalism · Assessment of children’s progress · Performance information |
HGIOS 4 Quality Indicators
1.1/2.2/2.3/2.5/3.1 |
· All children have completed the Emotion Works Recovery programme. Baseline assessment was carried out to identify the bank of emotions children could identify and talk about · All staff had access to Emotion Works Recovery on-line training · NCCT teachers are in the process of upskilling/familiarising children with the Wellbeing indicators · Collegiate time was given over to all staff on a 3-weekly basis to foster staff wellbeing |
· Almost all children can now recognise and name their own emotions. This has led to learners been able to self-regulate more readily. Almost all are now in a greater place to have a restorative discussion following an incident. · Most children can name the wellbeing indicators and give examples of for each indicator · All staff have benefitted from protected “me-time” and speak of how this has helped them reenergise themselves
Next Steps:
· Emotion Works and the development of emotional literacy will continue into session 2021-22 · Less NCCT will be be spent of wellbeing indicators next session. · Once restrictions lift further, staff are keen to take part in pre-arranged collegiate wellbeing activities, eg. beach walk
Attainment of Children and Young People | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Attainment Overview
Outcomes for Young People | ||||||||||||||||||||||
n/a secondary only | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Evidence of significant wider achievements | ||||||||||||||||||||||
· All staff and almost all learners have a far wider skillset re. Remote learning.
· Teamwork/share- Far more evidence of all staff sharing links they had found, activity grids they had completed and professional reading they had undertaken with colleagues. · Parental engagement. Moving forward, there will still be a role for Microsoft Forms, virtual Parent council meetings and potentially virtual parent’s evenings as engagement levels were higher virtually than in person. |
What have been the success and challenges of school/setting closure period (school/class/playroom isolation, remote learning between January – March 2021) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
· Moving from 3 platforms to 2 · Averaged an 9% increase in engagement across all classes from lockdown 1 to 2 · Listening and acting upon parental feedback, eg. Sticking more closely to a weekly timetable · Parent Council meetings were consistently better attended Challenges · Still room for improvement re. Remote learning · Reaching those hardest to engage families (although far less now)
Impact of Local/National resources to support recovery within your setting (digital devices, additionality of staffing) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Initially our 0.6 post focused on targeted learners across P4 and P5 to close the gap in their literacy skills. The teacher worked and planned closely with the class teachers and shared progress regularly. Unfortunately, we then had to place our additional teacher in class full-time to cover a teacher who had hit the 28-week mark of her pregnancy. Similarly, our additional PSA started off working with targeted groups of P2 and P3 learners to support and develop their phonics. Unfortunately, she is now also covering a PSA who has moved on from us. This has unfortunately led to there being minimal impact for our targeted groups, but we look to continue providing this additional support if possible next session.
Attainment Scotland Fund Evaluation (PEF/SAC) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
EYO- play based learning. My PEF funded EYO took a greater role in sharing information with parents primarily via SeeSaw when our children were learning remotely. When back in school she has now created a communication classroom for our sizeable number of P1s who lack communication skills for a variety of reasons.
PEF funded PSA 1.0- Working closely with my EYO to enhance speech and language skills in P1s and a smaller number of P2s. Time has also been created to allow her to work with 1st level learners on their social skills. Leuven scale results show a slight rise in scores but this initiative is still in it’s infancy and will be continued next session where i’d hope to see a greater improvement. 0.2 FTE/0.6 FTE –early numeracy/literacy. Both teachers target early/first level groups and/or individuals. In terms of CfE declarations there has been minimal progress but, when I drill down at the smaller steps each child has taken there has been progress made with all targeted learners.
Overall I can say that all targeted learners have benefitted from PEF funded targeted interventions. Our SNSA data, leuven scale work and class-based literacy assessments show this progress and this is supported by teacher evidence collated throughout the session for almost all learners. There is ongoing dialogue between SLT and teachers re. the gathering of evidence to ensure we have class-based data to support the targeted work undertaken.
School/Setting Name _____Aberhill Primary___________________________________________
NIF Quality Indicators (HGIOS 4) School Self- Evaluation | ||||
Quality Indicator | 2018 – 2019 | 2019 – 2020 | 2020-2021 | Inspection Evaluation
(within last 3 years) |
1.3 Leadership of change | satisfactory | good | good | |
2.3 Learning, teaching and assessment | good | good | good | |
3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equity and inclusion | good | good | Very good | |
3.2 Raising attainment and achievement | satisfactory | satisfactory | satisfactory |