Technologies I used in Term 1 2011

This term we have been doing a project on endangered animals. As always we had a brain storming session to find our prior knowledge. The children carried this out in groups of 4 with large sheets of paper and marker pens. Each group then shared their knowledge with the rest of the class and we made a collaborative mind map using popplet. Popplet is a web app that can help you to create an online mindmap that you can then embed in your glow group or glow blog.

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One of the first key questions that the children wanted answered was why are animals endangered? They started by carrying out research using the Internet and project books, taking notes as they were doing so. They then had to write a script and create a Go Animate that would demonstrate the information they had discovered. This activity was a big success as all the pupils were extremely engaged at all times and had great fun creating their cartoons.

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I’ve also been using Animoto a lot for our class blog. Animoto is a great web tool that you use to make really creative short movies of photographs and video you have taken.  It’s really simple and easy to use because all you have to do is upload your files, choose your music then it does everything else for you. It’s a great way to record trips, events, active and outdoor learning.

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