All posts by Mr Kirkham

The Handmaid’s Tale – Essay on Themes

Lovely 5th/6th Year Types,

Below, if you click upon them, are the documents you require to help support you in your efforts to write your essay on a theme in The Handmaid’s Tale. Remember, the theme is of your choosing.

I would suggest you spend time putting together a Quotations Sheet for your theme and thesis before Monday. I have uploaded an example Quotations Sheet below to help you understand how to do this. All the quotations in my example Quotations Sheet are from the “HMs Tale Quotations” document – if that helps.

Herewith, the required resources:

HMs Tale Quotations

Handmaid’s Tale Theme Essay PowerPoint (PDF Version)

Example Quotations Sheet for An Essay

I have uploaded the PowerPoint as a PDF file to ensure that it is easy for all of you to see, as your browser should open it for you – you don’t need PowerPoint software on your computer/device. If you want to save a copy of any of the documents, you can right click each one and “Save Target As” (or whatever the equivalent is in your browser).

 Any issues, you know where I am – you coud leave a request in the comment section below, on the discussions board on Glow, or on Twitter.

Good luck. 

Mr K.

The 4A1 English Glow Group Site Has Landed!

Dear all,

All you Third into Fourth year English types – be advised: your new Glow site has arrived. There are still some things to be added, and there are bound to be some dead ends and issues, but go and have a look around. It will grow even bigger with time. Right now, alongside a load of other stuff, it is the easiest way for you to access the Wiki site on A View From The Bridge.

Don’t delay now.  Hurry along.  All you’ll need to do is to have your username and password at the ready and click here.  See, it’s quite easy, isn’t it?

Let’s rock’n’roll!

“Wind” Essays – Topics, Themes and Ideas

I have uploaded a Word document containing a copy of the words and phrases we collected on the board of the topics and themes you could construct your paragraphs around in your essay to our Glow group site. I have also added a couple more ideas to the document, if they help.  You can access our group site here. Obviously, you will need your password to get in!

Basically, you are to use these to help you construct topic sentences for each paragraph of your essay. You can then go on to discuss the examples from the poem that link to that idea or topic.

Remember, the esssays are due in next Monday (31st January).

Good luck,
Mr K.

3rd Year Drama – Refugee Devising Unit: Links on Immigration and Asylum Seekers

Dear 3rd Year Drama Sort,

Below is a list of links and articles that will certainly be useful over the next few weeks, as we explore the issue of Refugees in Drama. Believe me, there is some good stuff here (and some pretty disgusting views too).

Refugee Stories

Stories of refugees who have settled in U.S.

BNP Website – pretty repulsive stuff

Migration Watch – Anti-immigration organisation

Article on Immigration in Daily Mail

Racist Letter to Daily Mail

Press Coverage of Muslims

Life and Death of an Asylum Seeker

Asylum Seeker Takes Own Life

More Refugee Stories

Take care,

Mr K.

Welcome To The Official Kirkucopia Glow Blog

Welcome indeed. After so long in the internet wilderness, Kirkucopia has finally found an official home on Glow.

This will, over time, become the main Kirucopia blog site, running side-by-side the other one for the time being, until all issues are ironed out. Just  like the other Kirkucopia, it will provide links to websites, music and documents that help you complete your work and enhance your learning.

I will transfer some of the more recent posts from the old blog onto this one, so that there will be some continuity between the two sites.

See what you think.

Mr K.