Lovely 5th/6th Year Types,
Below, if you click upon them, are the documents you require to help support you in your efforts to write your essay on a theme in The Handmaid’s Tale. Remember, the theme is of your choosing.
I would suggest you spend time putting together a Quotations Sheet for your theme and thesis before Monday. I have uploaded an example Quotations Sheet below to help you understand how to do this. All the quotations in my example Quotations Sheet are from the “HMs Tale Quotations” document – if that helps.
Herewith, the required resources:
HMs Tale Quotations
Handmaid’s Tale Theme Essay PowerPoint (PDF Version)
Example Quotations Sheet for An Essay
I have uploaded the PowerPoint as a PDF file to ensure that it is easy for all of you to see, as your browser should open it for you – you don’t need PowerPoint software on your computer/device. If you want to save a copy of any of the documents, you can right click each one and “Save Target As” (or whatever the equivalent is in your browser).
Any issues, you know where I am – you coud leave a request in the comment section below, on the discussions board on Glow, or on Twitter.
Good luck.
Mr K.