
Meet our Macaws Scarlett, blue and sunny

Did you know that the Macaw is the largest parrots! There are more than 370 different types of parrots, Macaws normally weight between two and four pounds, which is fairly hefty for a bird.

When properly taken care of, some Macaws species, such as blue and gold macaws can live for an average of 60 years, and may have been recorded to live for up to 80 years or even more!

Macaws are pretty loud, You will most likely hear a macaw before you see it. These birds are highly intelligent and gregarious creatures that congregate in flocks of anywhere between 30 and 100 individuals.

These love birds are certainly the romantic type. Once birds have found their mate they will stick with them for the rest of their life. They will share food, groom each other and always fly closely together.