School Life as Angus

Just another – Falkirk site

May 10, 2017
by User deactivated

Friday 5th – Tuesday 9th May

Hello! Welcome back to my blog, it’s been a while! I hope you enjoy my blog this week, so lets get reading!

Friday 5th May

Last Friday we did our class talks on a country in the world, and I got Thailand. It went really well and I loved learning about the different cultures in different places!

Here is a picture of a beach in Thailand.

Monday 8th May

On Monday, we went to the High School for an Induction day. I walked with some of my friends and when we arrived, we got rushed into the Assembly Hall and got given our lunch card and our sticker. We then went to our form class and got put in our houses. I am in Kerse, the same house as my brother. At the tour, we had to be really quiet because exams were on, and some people found that quite hard!After we had some activities like meet the Librarian, learn about healthy living, and a game of sports charades! For lunch I had a Panini and a slush (which was gross). After lunch, we had a talent show performed to us. it included singing, dancing and Mr Cockburn’s awful jokes! I had an amazing day!

Tuesday 9th May

On Tuesday we went to the Library to learn about the history of Grangemouth. It was cool to learn about the airport that used to be here. We also got to make planes and design them, and then have a race to see who’s plane could go the furthest. Mate’s plane won and mine flew in a circle and hit Kayden. On the way home, Ged and Mate broke their planes and I stuck a pencil through mine to make it a pencil topper.

So, this has been my week, I hope you enjoyed!

April 19, 2017
by User deactivated

Easter Holidays!

Hi! Im just back from the Easter Holidays and here to tell you what I did! Enjoy!

My Easter Holidays

On my holidays, I went to Pittenweem, a seaside town on the east coast. The car journey was really long because the traffic was awful, but we got there eventually. the house was beautiful inside and the balcony was stunning. It had a view of the waves crashing on the rocks every morning. On the first day we went to Crail and had lots of fun on the beach, until me and my brother fell in the water and were soaking, so I was quite miserable towards the end. When we went to St Andrews I had the best time ever! We wen to the shops and I got a ice cream cake at Jennetta’s Ice Cream Parlour! It was delicious! My favourite shop was Paperchase though because it is stationary heaven!  Little did I know, that day Greer was at St Andrews as well and she went to all the same shops as me! When the weekend was over and we had to go home, I was upset to leave, but I was excited for the rest of the holidays!

March 29, 2017
by User deactivated

Wednesday 22nd _ Wednesday 29th

Red Nose Day

Last Friday was Red Nose Day, so at school, we had dress down with a touch of red. we made £283.25 to be sent to charities. it was lots of fun


In our topic, we were learning about the Space Shuttels that ended up in disaster. We wached a video of the Challenger and the Columbus exploding. We also watched videos of people in the ISS (International Space Station)  doing things which we do easily every day on Earth, like brushing your teeth and washing your hair. We answered questions about a passage Tim Peake’s Time on space. It was really interesting and I would love to go to see the Earth from up in Space, but I would not go to Space.


GBecause it is the last week before the holidays, we had a fun day doing dogeball. I was the team captain, but our team lost. Even though we had the better strategy, we lost in the last round.

This has been my week, thanks for reading!

March 23, 2017
by User deactivated

Wednesday 15th – Wednesday 22nd March

Friday 17th March – The Rotary Quiz

James, Charlotte, Greer and I competed in the annual Grangemouth Rotary Quiz. There were 8 categories with 10 questions in each. It was really tough because the other schools (Beancross and Bowhouse) were winning at all different times, so no one could guess who would win. In the end, we won! Yay! And we got a trophy and a big Cream Egg!

Monday 20th March – Math Games

For homework we were told to make a board game about percentages, so we all brought our creations in to let everyone else play them. All the games were a hit, some more challenging than others! Mine was a game when you travelled around the board increasing and decreasing all the prices. The other games looked great, and I cant wait to try them!

Monday 20th March – Constellations

In our Space topic, we have covered Galaxies, Planets and The Big Bang. Now we are learning about Constellations. They are basically pictures made of stars in the sky named after legendary characters in Greek Mythology. It was very interesting to learn about them. to name a few, here are some names of Constellations; Orian the Hunter, Hercules, Pegasus and Draco.

Well, this has been my week, thanks for reading!






March 16, 2017
by User deactivated

Our Residential Trip to Belmont!

Wednesday 1st March

hi! I know you are probably expecting me to tell you all about my trip, (duuh the clue is in the title!) ,but another important subject needs to be discussed. I promised to tell you all about how our French Restaurant went! Primary 5B came up to our class and we served them delicious fancy French food made of paper. Most of the diners were polite but SOME people were RUDE, but for a laugh! Anyway, the whole experience was lovely and I had a blast.


Monday 6th – Friday 10th March

When we arrived off the bus, we walked to our dorms with one of the tutors. In our dorm it was all the boys in my class. In our section of the room it was Kyle, Regan, Nathan and I. We had lots of laughs and jokes in our dorm.

Our first activity was team building and we got to get to know everyone in our group. I was in group 5. After that we went to the Pole Climb. I used a go pro to film going up the pole and jumping off. This was one of my favourite activities. Our night activity was a giant game of Snakes and Ladders, which turned into a scavenger hunt.

On Tuesday morning, we did Archery, which I was surprisingly good at! I almost got a bullseye! Once when I shot my arrow, it pinged away into a farmer’s field! After lunch we did the Flying Fox and I LOVED IT! You could see all of Belmont from up there! After dinner, we went on the Night Walk. Me and Ged walked together. We told ghost stories and I fell over a log.

When I woke up on Wednesday, I was so excited because I was going to the Den. We went on a mini bus for 10 – 15 minutes. At the Den we played camouflage, looked at nature and played in the river. We got so muddy we had to change before the next activity!

After lunch we did problem solving which was fun. It tested our honesty because if we touched the rope we had to start again, but if you didn’t say you touched it, the whole group had to start over.

When we finished problem solving, we pulled on our waterproofs and walked over to the Nightline. This was my favourite activity because it was different from all the other activities. You were blindfolded and you did an obstacle course in the woods. I fell over so many times!

Once dinner was over, we did the egg challenge. We got into groups and made an egg carrier for our eggs. Mine was named Yolka and she survived falling off the flying fox. Yay!

Once our dorm had awoken from slumber, it was time for breakfast. It was sausage and egg. Yum. Mohawk Walk was next. I paired up with LT and it was hilarious! I fell of the wire! HOW? I was the only one in my group who fell of the wire. Radio Rescue was one of my favourite activities. I was in base and I used a radio to contact the rest of my team to tell them the coordinates to find treasure like Wilson the mannequin. Our next activity was Living Outdoors. We made dens, cooked bread, toasted marshmallows, started fires and had fun!


Thursday was disco night! We all had so much fun at the disco! They had great music like Twenty One Pilots, but also cringy music like PPAP. Me, Ged and Charlie played tig in the middle of the disco which was a stupid idea but also fun!

Friday, our last day.

On Friday morning g we did orienteering and ate jam that someone from my group took from the dinner hall. Brooke named her jam Pete.

We did a review and all said something nice about everyone which was a good idea. we said all our goodbyes and of we went home.

If you want to see photos, check out my video!

March 1, 2017
by User deactivated

Wednesday 15th – Wednesday 1st

Hi! It’s been a while since I wrote last, so you will have a lot to catch up on!

Planets in our Solar System

In our space project, we have been learning about inside our Solar System. The Rocky Planets are closest to the sun. They are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The Rocky Planets are the 4 smallest planets. There used to be 5 of these planets, but in 2006, Pluto didn’t make the cut for the new classifications for the planets. Pluto was even further away than Neptune!

The next type of planets are the Gas Giants. These planets are made of gas and chemicals pulled in by it’s gravitational pull. These planets are called Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Our French Restaurant

In P7s we are learning lots of French grammar, for our restaurant! We have crafted lots of food out of tissue paper and paint, to supply our kitchen for the restaurant, because P5 are coming to have dinner today! In the next few posts expect to hear about how it went.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

I was so happy when I found out that we were doing Harry Potter, because it is my favourite book. We have been reading 1-2 chapters every day, and also doing lessons related to Harry Potter! We even made our own wands! Madison, Kyle and I drew Mr Ollivander and put him on the wall display. We are reading this for Literacy Week and we haven’t finished the book yet, I cant wait to finish it!

February 8, 2017
by User deactivated

Wednesday 1st – Wednesday 8th

Hi! Welcome to my second blog post! This week has been so exciting and fun, I cant wait to tell you!

Basketball – Wednesday 1st February

For Activity Afternoon, we are doing basketball in the back playground. It is so much fun! We were playing piggy in the middle and I was in a team with Greer, Kyle and Mel. It was  hilarious because we forgot some of the rules! I can’t wait to do it again!

Ghost Tower – Monday 6th February

On Monday, we finished the book we have been reading in class called Ghost Tower by Andrew G Taylor. It was a Sci-Fi horror genre and it was amazing! The last chapter was really unexpected because one of the main characters was the villain in disguise. We did drama sketches about one of the chapters. We got chapter 2, where Leanne slays the dragon. Here is a picture! 20170206_151200

If you want to check out Fiction Express, I would really recommend it!

Learning about Galaxies – Tuesday 7th February

Yesterday we split into groups to learn about lots of different types of galaxies. I was with Katie and Kyle. We got given two galaxies, one a spiral and one a Sombrero Galaxy. After we had a nice conversation, we watched a few videos about the Universe and Galaxies.

This has been my week, I hope you enjoyed reading!

Until next time, bye!



February 1, 2017
by User deactivated

Wednesday 25th – Wednesday 1st!

Hi! Last Friday all the P7s had a Burns Supper! There was entertainment, delicious food and special guests! In the Burns Supper, I had the role of the Master of Ceremonies, which basically meant I had to do a few speeches and thank everyone for coming. At our table we had such a laugh, here is a picture!20170127_133157

On Monday, we started our new topic, Space. I think this topic will be very exciting and I can’t wait to learn more. We started our topic by learning about the Big Bang Theory. We used a website called Scale of the Universe, if you want to check it out, here’s the link.

It’s great to realize how big the universe it, because its really hard to imagine. Well, this has been my week, and I hope you enjoyed reading! Hopefully you can read next week’s post, so for now, bye!

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