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Friday 12th of May-Tuesday 16th May

Friday 12th May

On Friday my class and I were doing talks countries and the way we get a country to talk about is we have a box with the name of all the  counties in it and we pick one. Two weeks ago I had the country Georgia and last week I had Nicaragua. This week I have Tuvalu and I have almost finished it.

Image result for nicaragua

Monday 15th May

On Monday both primary 7 classes where going to the Grangemouth High School to do science. When we there we were split into two classes. My teacher was Miss Maxwell and everyone in my science class were in my class. When we were doing science we were mixing hydrochloric acid with sodium thiosulphate and the amount of acid we were adding was o.5%, 1%, 2% and 3% once we added the acid the sodium thiosulphate started to change colour.

Tuesday 16th May

On Tuesday my class and 1 person from the other P7 class James were going for a bike ride before we left we all done a M check on our bikes but Nathan and James had get a bike from the school so they didn’t user their own. Some people had to get their breaks fixed but I was just cycling around with some of the others. Not to long after it was time to go so we headed for the school car park and we all slotted into a huddle at the entrance to the car park. We went in single file at the start on the pavement and till we all got into the Zetland park. At some parts we were in single file some times we weren’t. Once we got to the Helix we took a little rest to have our snacks and go to the toilet. We then cycled over to a little wood bit where we went on a bug hunt and I learnt quite a lot from it. In my group the best thing we found was a Millipede. When we finished the bug hunt we headed to the Kelpies to have our lunch. We all finished our lunched pretty quick but 1 of my classmates went over her handle bars and hurt her wrist and she had to get picked up by her dad. After she was picked up we headed back to our school and we done one tiny task for the last 10 minutes.


The Easter Holiday With Regan

The Easter holiday my favourite holiday because its the holiday with my birthday. On the first day I stayed home with my family and we all laugh quite a lot. My Birthday it was time. I woke up at eight O clock and headed to my mum’s room because that’s where all my cards were. After opening all my cards I got around eighty five pounds and I was really happy because after I had to go to Badminton where I met my best friend Ged. For my Badminton I now get double sessions that are around one hour and fifty five minutes. I was really tired and I could barely run. Once I got home I almost forgot Ged got me a Birthday card and it really cool because he surprised me with it. That night mum called on me to come downstairs and take her phone off charge and when I did that I gave her the phone and I went into my living room and my dad gave me my cake to hold. My mum got some pictures of me and I got to see them after. A week later my holiday was almost over and my Grandad came over from his dementia home to mine for a little while and I’m she had a fun time. Earlier that day and the day before I was at Ged’s house for a sleep over and I had a blast. It was the last day of the holiday and I went bowling with my two brothers and my mum my little brother won the first round and I won the second. My oldest brother got four strikes one in the first game three in the second but he still couldn’t win sad times for him  and then the holiday was over I got in bed and dosed off.








Wednesday 22nd March – Tuesday 28th March


This week my class and I have been learning more about Space and most of it was about the International Space Station and Tim Peake. The International Space Station, also known as the ISS, can hold a maximum of six people. When the astronauts leave Earth heading to the ISS they go up in threes. We were also learning about two space shuttles that crashed and they were the Challenger and Columbus we watched a video to see what happened to one of them and we watched the Challenger. We watched it fly into the air and soon after it exploded. We also learned about some other space rockets and it was really cool to see the designs. Tim Peake the first British astronaut too live in the ISS he was in the ISS for six mouths and I thought to myself how cool it would be in space.

The International Space Station and Tim Peake

Image result for international space station

Image result for Tim Peake


French counting to 70

Through out last week and this week so far my class and I have been timing ourselves whilst we all counted in French and our best time is 1 minute and 4 seconds and I hope we can get even faster at it.

Red Nose Day

When Friday came round it was Red Nose Day and my school raised  a total of 283.25 from selling Red Noses to the pupils in my school. Also on Red Nose Day it was uniform rewards and by how many Uniform Rewards we won my class got a full day of dress down.

Image result for Red nosed day

How To In Space

How to make a space burrito

How to sleep in space

How to wash your hair in space


Tuesday 14th – Tuesday 21st


We had PE and the group I was in did really well. For PE we were doing fitness and we had a bingo sheet to complete and my group finished first but Madison’s group handed their sheet in first. All on gym was really fun and made me really tired. My group for fitness was Me, Kyle, Angus and Nathan.

Wednesday-Helping my Badminton teacher and Activity Afternoon

When Wednesday came around I was really excited because I was helping my teacher at Badminton because he came in to teach one of the P3 classes he wanted some extra help from me and my best friend Ged. When we were helping My Badminton teacher John the P3 pupils listened very well and did as they were told most of the time. After the hour of helping John it was time for P5 – P7 Activity Afternoon I had Hockey and I was really excited. So when I got changed for Hockey Ged and I went out one of the doors that lead out to the front playground and that was where my class was. Once I got outside I got a hockey stick and a ball and I stood across from Ged. My teacher told us how to pass the ball and hold our sticks properly.




Belmont was an amazing time so I’m going to tell you what we did. On Monday I arrived at school ready to get on the bus. After everyone that was coming to Belmont was in the assembly hall we where told to start walking to the bus and getting our suitcases on. I was one of the first to get on the bus. On the way there I was sitting next to my best friend Ged. When we were on the bus there was a lot of  laughing but not too much silliness from what I could here from where I was sitting. When we got there we got our suitcases off the bus and got in a huge crowd kind of. After everyone got their suitcases out a man told us who is in our dorm and what dorm is ours. In my dorm with me was all the boys from my class and it was the same for all the rest of the Moray Dorms. When my dorm was all unpacked we headed for the lunch hall and we were first to get our food that day. The food was amazing but the thing that stood out to me the most was the Tomato Pepper Soup. My first activity that day was NightLine and it was really fun. When we were doing NightLine we had to wear a blindfold and a pair of goggles to make sure we couldn’t see. Only one person in my group fell over in the NightLine and her name is Megan. Later on I was doing the NightWalk and it was really scary because of what the instructors said then It became really dark which was even more creepy. After all that we had our supper and went back to our dorms where my dorm discussed what our bedtime is. The next day I went to the Den and it was so fun! We were exploring for some time and we found a toad. Later we met up with an other group and we had a lot more fun. At the end we went into a mostly shallow bit of a river and we had a lot of fun. The other group left before mine group so we got to have more fun than them. When we got back we headed for the lunch hall to get our lunch and it was amazing! After lunch I changed my clothes and headed for Ardler classroom and that is where my group meets. We were doing Problem Solving and Flying Fox later. Problem solving was pretty hard but we got there in the end. We were heading to the Flying Fox when my instructor (Sarah) told us we should properly change our wellies into some shoes which I did. After dinner I was doing the egg challenge and my group tied 2nd with another group and the group that won got about two hundred points more than my group did. When Wednesday came around I was expecting mud. For my first two activities we done very well and didn’t do much wrong and at lunch two teachers swapped with another two and they were all from my school. So when we got to dinner I totally forgot that it was my classmates Birthday (Emma) My night time activity was pirates and travellers and it was really fun but I lost the card when I was meant to deliver a lot because I got tug and lost rock paper scissors. Thursday was the scariest day because I had the tree climb for my activity and I went first because it was twelve meters high and I got to about four meters because I am scared of heights. Later that night It was the disco and it was fun but if the music was better it would of made my day but sadly it didn’t. Friday was our last day and I had Archery for my last activity at Belmont and it turned out to be my favourite activity. After Archery we got lunch and I headed to my schools classroom where my suitcase was. I was waiting there until my teacher came (Miss Stobbie) and she told us to get our suitcases and follow her to put our suitcases on the bus. Everyone was on the bus so we all started waving and we left.

If you want to see a video just click the link below

15th February – 1st March

Science Lesson At High School ( Monday 20th February)

On Monday we went to the High School to do some science. When we got there we got put into 3 groups. We were in pairs which for me made it easier for me. For the science we were putting some weights on a piece of wood one at a time. The teacher was really nice to us and it was really fun.

Reading Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone (Monday 20th February)

On Monday we started to read the Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone. Both P7 classes came together and our teacher read it to use. In my opinion it is a very interesting book to read or listen to it being read. I’m excited to see what else is going to pop up when reading further into it.

French Restaurant

For weeks now my class and I have been making food with different materials. We have also been learning to speak in French so we are ready for the P5’s coming see our restaurant. We have all made one starter, two mains and two desserts.

Harry Potter Wands And Boxes (Thursday 23rd February)

On Thursday we made wands and boxes for a wall display in our school. There were lots of choices  for materials and I choose Blackthorn, Phoenix Feather and the length was 12 inches. For our boxes we got black card and chalk to draw the box. After everyone drew their box we cut them out. When everyone was done we stuck the boxes up on to some windows with a picture of Harry Potter that my friends drew we also stuck up a picture of Mr Olivander.

Rugby (Monday 27th February)

At Rugby we got put into groups and I had my best friend on my team and he properly plays rugby more than any of my classmates so we had an advantage. Rugby was really fun because I passed to my team a lot and they passed to me. I scored quite a lot of passes that were passed to me.


Wednesday 1st – Wednesday 8th

P4 Assembly

On Friday it was it was the P4 Assembly and it was one of the best assemblies I have ever seen. When I was watching the assembly I was reminded of the Green Cross Code. I liked the songs in the assembly and they were very catchy. In the assembly I could see that they put a lot of effort into it.



On Tuesday  in the morning my class mates and I went straight to P.E as we always do. For P.E we were doing Animal bench Ball but before we did that we did some exercises such as jogging round the area and star jumps. Once we were finished our exercising we got to choose out teams and then we started. My team was a very good team. If we were still counting the points my team would of won.


Activity Afternoon

For Activity Afternoon we did basketball and it was one of the most favourite activities I’ve ever done. At the start we did some piggy in the middle and after we recapped on the passes we have learned. Soon after we did some doubles piggy in the middle.

Wednesday 25th – Wednesday 1st

Burns Supper

At the Burns Supper I had an amazing time. The food was lovely and so was the dancing. But before that a friend of mine was doing some highland dancing. Then it was the dancing. I had two partners and they where both from my class. The food was delicious and at the end of the Burns Supper we all sang Auld Lang Syne. All together I had a really good time and it was the best Burns Supper I’ve ever had.



Scale Of The Universe

Today my class mates and I were on a website called Scale Of The Universe and it is a website of the biggest to smallest things that humans have found information on. There was information of Ants, The Moon, The Titanic and The Dodo bird. I find it as a really help full website. When I was reading some definitions of some of the things and The Sun was my favourite.