Wednesday 25th – Wednesday 1st

Burns Supper

At the Burns Supper I had an amazing time. The food was lovely and so was the dancing. But before that a friend of mine was doing some highland dancing. Then it was the dancing. I had two partners and they where both from my class. The food was delicious and at the end of the Burns Supper we all sang Auld Lang Syne. All together I had a really good time and it was the best Burns Supper I’ve ever had.



Scale Of The Universe

Today my class mates and I were on a website called Scale Of The Universe and it is a website of the biggest to smallest things that humans have found information on. There was information of Ants, The Moon, The Titanic and The Dodo bird. I find it as a really help full website. When I was reading some definitions of some of the things and The Sun was my favourite.


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