Tuesday 14th – Tuesday 21st


We had PE and the group I was in did really well. For PE we were doing fitness and we had a bingo sheet to complete and my group finished first but Madison’s group handed their sheet in first. All on gym was really fun and made me really tired. My group for fitness was Me, Kyle, Angus and Nathan.

Wednesday-Helping my Badminton teacher and Activity Afternoon

When Wednesday came around I was really excited because I was helping my teacher at Badminton because he came in to teach one of the P3 classes he wanted some extra help from me and my best friend Ged. When we were helping My Badminton teacher John the P3 pupils listened very well and did as they were told most of the time. After the hour of helping John it was time for P5 – P7 Activity Afternoon I had Hockey and I was really excited. So when I got changed for Hockey Ged and I went out one of the doors that lead out to the front playground and that was where my class was. Once I got outside I got a hockey stick and a ball and I stood across from Ged. My teacher told us how to pass the ball and hold our sticks properly.



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