Wednesday 22nd March – Tuesday 28th March


This week my class and I have been learning more about Space and most of it was about the International Space Station and Tim Peake. The International Space Station, also known as the ISS, can hold a maximum of six people. When the astronauts leave Earth heading to the ISS they go up in threes. We were also learning about two space shuttles that crashed and they were the Challenger and Columbus we watched a video to see what happened to one of them and we watched the Challenger. We watched it fly into the air and soon after it exploded. We also learned about some other space rockets and it was really cool to see the designs. Tim Peake the first British astronaut too live in the ISS he was in the ISS for six mouths and I thought to myself how cool it would be in space.

The International Space Station and Tim Peake

Image result for international space station

Image result for Tim Peake


French counting to 70

Through out last week and this week so far my class and I have been timing ourselves whilst we all counted in French and our best time is 1 minute and 4 seconds and I hope we can get even faster at it.

Red Nose Day

When Friday came round it was Red Nose Day and my school raised  a total of 283.25 from selling Red Noses to the pupils in my school. Also on Red Nose Day it was uniform rewards and by how many Uniform Rewards we won my class got a full day of dress down.

Image result for Red nosed day

How To In Space

How to make a space burrito

How to sleep in space

How to wash your hair in space


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