Wednesday 1st – Wednesday 8th

P4 Assembly

On Friday it was it was the P4 Assembly and it was one of the best assemblies I have ever seen. When I was watching the assembly I was reminded of the Green Cross Code. I liked the songs in the assembly and they were very catchy. In the assembly I could see that they put a lot of effort into it.



On Tuesday  in the morning my class mates and I went straight to P.E as we always do. For P.E we were doing Animal bench Ball but before we did that we did some exercises such as jogging round the area and star jumps. Once we were finished our exercising we got to choose out teams and then we started. My team was a very good team. If we were still counting the points my team would of won.


Activity Afternoon

For Activity Afternoon we did basketball and it was one of the most favourite activities I’ve ever done. At the start we did some piggy in the middle and after we recapped on the passes we have learned. Soon after we did some doubles piggy in the middle.

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