Wednesday 22nd March ~ Tuesday 28th March

Red Nose Day

On Friday the 24th the school dressed down to raise money for red nose day. Altogether we raised £283.25. YAY!!!!!

French numbers

Over the week the class and I have been trying to beat our time for counting up to seventy in French. At the moment our record is 1 minuet and 4 seconds.


In our space topic we have been learning about rockets, Tim Peake, The International Space Station and zero gravity. We have leaned a lot of fun facts about space and the different astronauts.

This is the Challenger, it is one of the failed space shuttles that has been sent up to space.

15th of March ~ 22nd of March

Thursday 16th

On Thursday we did a mini quiz to decide who got to the Rotary Quiz the next day. There was eight categories and in the categories there were ten questions. I was so nervous but excited at the same time. At the end of the quiz we all had our points counted and James and I came joint first with 46 points and Angus came second with 45 points. Greer and Summer came joint 3rd with 40 points. After the decider Greer came through victorious.

Friday 17th

Greer, Angus, James and I were all nervous in  the morning but as the afternoon neared we all gathered outside the Assembly Hall. We sat at our school table and got ready for the quiz.


At the end of the quiz we were all so scared to see the results. when the scores 3rd was Bowhouse 2nd was Beancross and 1st was Moray!!!!!!!!

Monday 20th

On Monday morning we did our last rugby session. We had a big touch rugby tournament and I enjoyed it a lot.

 Here are two pictures of the class and I at a on of our lessons a few weeks back.

Also on Monday we learned about constellations. We even made our own ones as well. I enjoy our space topic very much.

Tuesday 21st

On Tuesday we had a maths day all we did was maths, maths and more maths. I love maths so I had a good day on Tuesday.

Belmont and our French Restaurant

6th of March

On the 6th the other 7s and I were on our way to Belmont I was so  excited.  After the bus journey the first thing we did was get into our dorms, in my dorm was all the girls in P7S. after that all the school gathered in the assembly hall and we got sorted into our groups. Every group had a member of staff from Belmont with them my leader was called Tori. In my group there was me, Summer, Euan, Charlie, Liam, Marcus, Sophie, Alex, Jenna, Melissa, Szilard and Catlin. Once we had done icebreakers we had lunch and then done the Flying Fox it was so fun. Then it was dinner and it was delicious, after dinner we went back to our dorms and talked about our day. At 6 o’clock we went for our night activity my one was snakes and ladders. At the end of the day all of the girls in our dorm sat around and we all shared what our favourite part of the day.

7th of March

On Tuesday morning I did the Night Line the Night Line is when you are blindfolded and you have to walk about holding onto a wire with obstacles in you way. In the afternoon we did radio rescue, this is when you have to follow the instruction to0 help find a missing person called Wilson but sadly he died before we found him. Also in the afternoon we went to the den then we did an walk in the woods. Our group joined up with group 3 to go. When we got back form den we had our dinner and then went for our night activity which was the night walk and then came back for supper.

8th of March

In the morning the group and I did the Tree Climb, I got to the top twice! Also in the morning we done problem solving witch was fun. After lunch we done living outdoors wen we made dens and bread on a stick. The bread was so yummy. When we got back from living outdoors we had our dinner and got ready for our night activity which was the egg drop.

9th of March

On Thursday morning we did orienteering when we had to read a map to find the points hidden around the site. Then we done the Mohawk Walk witch was harder than it looked. then it was lunch, after lunch we did you, me and the evacuee which is when you had to complete challenges to get ration points and the group with the most ration points would get a clue to were the treasure was hidden. Then after dinner we got ready for the disco witch was so fun I met lodes of new people and danced.

10th of March

this was our last day at Belmont and I was sad but happy to see my family again. The first activity that we did was the create climb even though I didn’t do well I still enjoyed it. After our last meal we done our reviews on the week and then after 5 days we got on the bus and waved goodbye to Belmont. Here is a link to my Belmont video.

French restaurant

In my last blog post I talked about the French restaurant and how the P5s are going to be diners at our French restaurant. It when very well all the waters kept there French wits about them and it was a success yay.

The 15th February ~ March 1st

Hi, the class have not done blogs in two weeks so there is a lot to tell you about.


On the 15th of February we researched Gas Planets and if they were shrunk down to millimetres how far apart the planets would be. Here is one of the pictures that got taken when we were measuring.

 Filming a video with Nathan

On the 23rd of February me and one of the other digital leaders made a video for the boys and girls coming up from Carron Grange to see our school. Nathan and I showed all of the school and some of the important people in the school We also showed the front and back playground.

 Harry Potter

For literacy week the two P7 classes are reading the first Harry Potter book. We are already half way through the book and I am enjoying it so far. Also Harry Potter related the class and I made a wand shop display with wands and two characters Harry Potter and Mr Ollivander.

Our French restaurant

The class and I have been busy over the past weeks making our dishes of our French restaurant. Later this afternoon we will be dining with the P5s some of us will be waiters and some will be dining with the P5s check my new blog in a few weeks to see how I got on.

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