Our Secondary Provision Inspection Report

We are delighted to share the most recent Education Scotland  Inspection Report for our secondary provision, Mariner Support Service. The inspection was a positive experience for the service.  We would like to send a huge THANKYOU to everyone across our community who took time to meet with the inspectors and celebrate the work Mariner Support Service does.

HMIe recognised many aspects of good practice and shared their views upon how the children and families experience a child centred and nurturing staff team who work incredibly hard to ensure positive outcomes for all of the Mariner Support Service community. With all inspections there are recommendations to support on-going improvement and development. We will look at how best to include these areas in our improvement planning across the following academic sessions.

The full Inspection report can be found at:


School Re-opens

Oxgang School and Support Service is planning to re-open on Monday 5th March for staff and pupils. Thanks to all members of the local community who helped with clearing a path to get in.

Please be aware that not all the snow is gone and there is limited access to the carpark.  It may be necessary for taxis to drop pupils at the front gate where they will be met by staff who will walk them  into school.  If you are dropping your child off yourself then please take care and be mindful of other pedestrians as it may be busier than usual.

50 Word Fiction Competition

If you’re looking for an indoor challenge to take part in today then how about the Scottish Book Trust’s 50 Word Challenge?

March’s prompt:

Write a story featuring a time traveller…

The closing date for this month’s entry is Tuesday, 27th March.

STEM Activities

STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and maths.  These types of activities are important for lifelong learning and sustainability.

Here are some examples of STEM activities that you could try at home:

40 STEM Activities for Kids

It’s a really great idea to encourage experimenting, tinkering, building, observing, exploring, problem solving, and creating in the home and the classroom.


UPDATE – Adverse Weather

Due to the ongoing weather situation, Oxgang School and Support Service, along with all other schools in Falkirk, will remain closed today (Thursday 1st March 2018).

Please monitor the Falkirk Council website and this blog for further updates.

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