
On the 6th 0f March we went to Belmont for our residential trip. When we got there we got taken to our dorms and got into our bunk areas. I was with Angus, Kyle and Regan. After we did that we went to the assembly hall to get split into our groups. I was in group 7. Later on that day we got into our groups for the first activity. My groups activity was the Crate Climb I got 9 crates up and the record for my group was 10 crates.


On Tuesday I got up at 6:20 and went for a shower then got changed for breakfast. For breakfast I had sausage and beans. Orienteering was my first activity of that day. It was so fun and my team got all 10 codes. After Orienteering we did the Mohawk Walk. When we got there I went first I managed to go round the full course and I only fell once. After that we did a bit of Problem solving and I raged.

Wednesday and Thursday followed the same routine as Tuesday but with different activities.


On Friday I went for breakfast then back to the dorm and got ready for my activity. My activity was Tree Climb I went fourth and I was the second person to ring the bell. The first was Cameron second was me third was Claire and fourth was Teagan. After that we went for lunch. After lunch we went to our classroom to right a review. We left at 1:30 and got home at 3. Now we are back in school doing work.

Here’s a little video I made for Belmont.

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