February 15 – March 1

Dwarf Planets

On the 15th of February we started learning about Planets. We found out that the Planets are split into two groups the Rocky Planets and the Gas Planets. The Rocky Planets consist of Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The Gas Planets consist of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

French Restaurant

We have started making a French Restaurant called Tres Chic. We have been working very hard on it by making different dishes.


Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Every day Miss Stobie reads us 1 or 2 chapters and we’re on chapter 11 and I’m enjoying it so far. Although I didn’t think I would like it I’m really excited to find out what is going to happen next. We have been reading this book for literacy week and we made wands,  boxes and a wall display. What’s been happening? It started with Harry finding out that he is a wizard after years of living with his auntie and uncle. Later on Hagrid takes him to Gringotts bank and collecting his money so he can buy his appliances for Hogwarts. Now he’s on the quidditch team.

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