The Save a Life Scotland campaign has a goal to save 1000 lives in Scotland by 2020 through training the everyday public to do CPR. The British Heart Foundation adverts on hands only CPR have already made an impact as lives have been saved by bystanders who administered CPR following the instructions given on the advert. I thought it would be a good idea to train children in this too. It may be true that they wouldn’t have the strength to do this on an adult but I felt that by training children, then at least they could instruct adults in times of an emergency. Our class’s YouTube videos get a lot of views so we decided to make our own instructional video as a way of making people aware. If four and five year old children can remember what to do then surely anyone can. Maybe we as a class could be responsible for saving a life. An amazing thought.
Our links with the medical profession through being #whywedoresearch ambassadors has inspired our children to dream big. Our school motto is Possumus Superati – We can be great, we will be great. We want our pupils to embrace this and truly believe they can make a difference. What better way to make a difference than saving lives.