Strengths and Weaknesses in Performance- Swimming (Q2.1)

For our next PE lesson (in 2 weeks time) you should complete Q2.1 in your booklet. To answer this question you should DESCRIBE one strength and two areas for development within your swimming performance. For your strength you must tell me what you did well and for your weakness you must tell me what you need to improve on.

Eg. Strength- Body position- I was able to maintain a streamline position when performing the front crawl

Eg. Area for development- I must improve my armstroke as a do not get my elbow high enough and this restricts my ability to produce a powerful stroke.




Physical and Emotional Factors Impacting Performance

In today’s lessons we were learning about How the following physical and emotional factors have an impact on swimming performance:

Skills (physical factor) impact our ability to travel quickly through the water using a mechanically efficient stroke.

Fitness (physical factor) impacts our ability to swim at and maintain a high intensity for the fully duration of a race.

Confidence (emotional factor) can have an impact on our ability to successfully perform a dive at the start of a race, if this is performed successfully we can move powerfully into the water in a streamline position and reduce our overall finishing time.

We will now answer all of the questions for outcome one in our homework booklet over the Easter holidays.


Gathering Data on Performance

Gathering Data on Performance

During the first 2 weeks of our swimming block we have used 3 different methods to gather data on our perfornance of the front crawl and breast stroke techniques:

1) video analysis
2) observation schedules
3) peer/coach feedback

These methods have allowed us to identify areas of strength and weakness in our performance.




So far in our Swimming block we have been exploring Physical factors that impact on our performance and working to develop our performance of the Front Crawl and Breast Stroke Techniques.

To help improve our performance of the front crawl we have practiced specific part of the stroke in isolation. The parts of the stroke we have practice are:

  • Body Position
  • Leg Kick
  • Arm Stroke
  • Breathing Technique
  • Timing

To see some of the drills we have used to improve our performance check out our youtube channel:


Youtube channel


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