Monitoring and Evaluating the Physical Factor (Model Answer 5)

Below is a model answer that gained full marks in the prelim exam.

Question: 3a) Explain why it is important to monitor your progress when carrying out a programme of work to develop the PHYSICAL factor. (4)

To monitor my progress I can use a training diary. This is a good way to find out what other factors are affecting my performance, i.e how I was feeling before performing. I can set appropriate targets for each session, this will help me improve my weaknesses. I can identify my strengths and weaknesses and make changes to my training programme in order to improve. I can set appropriate targets and can adapt my programme in order to improve my performance. I can record all of the information in one area and can refer back to it at a later stage to make comparisons and see what worked best for me.

I can also monitor and evaluate by retesting. I could re-test using the same methods to gather data as before which would increase the reliability. This would allow me to make comparisons to see what my strengths and weaknesses were, to see if I had improved and to see If the approaches to develop performance had worked.

by Christy Watson

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