Month: February 2022

It’s Time for Spring Clean 2022

Litter levels in Scotland are at their worst in a decade. Research from Keep Scotland Beautiful shows that 88% of Scots agree that litter is a problem across Scotland, and 70% are concerned about the problem in their area.

The Spring clean runs from the 21st  March to the 21st April 2022 and is the perfect opportunity to make a difference by picking up litter from your playground, beach, streets, parks and beyond.

We know young people feel strongly about caring for the environment and want to do something about the harmful effects of litter on their communities. Every action, however small, makes a difference. Just half an hour of picking up litter and disposing of it safely can help an area look cleaner and feel safer, and evidence shows it also prevents more litter being dropped.

45,000 people volunteered their time to do a litter pick during Spring Clean in 2019 and this year, we want to encourage as many schools as possible to take part!

Use the hashtags #SpringCleanFalkirk to showcase what you and your school are doing to get involved!

How to get involved:

Falkirk Council specific events

  • Organise a Clean Up. Register your litter pick at Rubbish & litter – Organising a local Clean Up | Falkirk Council with the reference ‘Spring Clean’ to support individuals, groups and schools with organising their own Clean Up activity. We will register your event with keep Scotland Beautiful so you don’t have to.
  • Create a Litter Prevention Action Plan. Sign up to our help session (date and time will be confirmed closer to event) to hear about previous schools’ experience with their Action Plans and what you need to do to create one.
  • Listen to our pre-recorded session. This session will be uploaded to the website closer to the event and will feature what specific actions are being done across Falkirk to tackle litter, flytipping and dog fouling.
  • Use hashtag #SpringCleanFalkirk or #CleanUpFalkirk for all Spring Clean activity.

  Keep Scotland Beautiful events:

  • Pledge the number of bags. As part of the #BigBagChallenge, fill out the pledge form (will be uploaded on website closer to the date), and pledge the bags you will collect.
  • Join a public event listed. The Clean Up Scotland map will have public facing events individuals can join.
  • Complete a survey in your community. If individuals can’t do a Clean Up then they can always help Keep Scotland Beautiful by gather data using the citizen science toolkit.
  • Tune in to the Litter and Waste live lessons. During the Spring Clean, Keep Scotland beautiful will be investigating about the harmful effects of litter on wildlife, why modern plastics are such a problem when disposed of incorrectly, and how litter dropped on land ends up in the sea.