Month: February 2021

Sustainability Partnerships – The Future Speaks Event for Young People

Callum MacLellan of Sustainability Scotland is helping to organise online events in the 8 electoral areas of Scotland where S5/6 school pupils ask questions of local representatives from the five main political parties. Climate change is the most important issue that faces humanity and it is vitally important that politicians take it seriously. On Friday 2nd April at 5pm young people from Central Scotland high schools will be quizzing local representatives from the 5 main political parties about climate change at an online event. You can watch this live by registering here , to stream live from Facebook click here and you can also watch later via YouTube here.

Please do what you can to spread the word so that as many people as possible (young and old) are aware of this opportunity to question political leaders about their views on climate change. Sustainability Partnerships would be happy to pass on urgent questions about climate change to the main Scottish political parties. Send these to:


Useful links and further reading

As an integral part of our ‘LfS in Falkirk Framework’ we have started a series of CLPL courses aimed at practitioners and managers.  These courses will be introducing what we hope will be a useful framework for schools and practitioners to put LfS at the heart of planning, teaching and learning.

There are lots of other resources and materials which will help in this process, some of which are signposted below:

More information about the Falkirk LfS framework can be found here

Self evaluation tools:

The General Teaching Council for Scotland have a really useful, simple self evaluation wheel which very quickly helps you to identify what you are currently doing and where there might be potential gaps.

Self-evaluation Wheel: Learning for Sustainability | General Teaching Council for Scotland (


Education Scotland have produced a comprehensive self evaluation framework

There is also a summary version which can be accessed here


Professional responsibilities

The GTC for Scotland have produced a guide “to help you understand your responsibility to embed Learning for Sustainability in your practice, inspiring and motivating learners to address the challenges of learning to live within the environmental limits of our planet and to build a just, equitable and peaceful society.” Find out more via this link:

GTCS Professional Guide – LfS

Learning for Sustainability is integral to the GTCS Professional Standards Framework. Further information about this can be found on the link below.
What does LfS mean for me?

National guidance and further reading

There is a really useful summary of LfS resources on the The National Improvement Hub which can be accessed here


There are some useful videos showcasing individual inspirational projects in schools linked to LfS. Click here to access them.

Scottish Government commissioned Edinburgh University to review literature relating to the educational impact of LfS.  The result was published in March 2020 and can be accessed here

“The findings are significant for both policy and practice as they position LfS as an excellent context through which all aspects of CfE can flourish, enabling learners to develop and display the values and dispositions outlined in its ‘four capacities’.”



In 2015 LfS was the subject of one of Education Scotland’s ‘Opening up Great Learning’ documents.  It is a great introduction to what LfS is all about as well as showcasing some examples of good practice and providing ideas for taking LfS forward.  The PDF can be accessed here