Friday 12th – Tuesday 16th

Hi, I’m only going to talk to you about a couple of things that I have done because it has only been a week since I last spoke to you

Friday 12th May 2017,

On Friday I did a talk on Comoros and I learnt a lot of new and interesting facts and one fact is the population is approximately 788,474. This week I am doing a talk on Equatorial Guinea so hope it goes well.

 Monday 15th May 2017,

On Monday we all went to the High School for a science lesson and it was really fun. We  got into groups and my group was me, Regan, Madison and Kyraa. There was filled beakers each labelled with different percentages e.g. 0.5%, 1%, 2% and 3%. The higher the percentage the quicker the reaction happened, it was really cool and interesting.

Tuesday 16th May 2017,

On Tuesday my class and I had a bike ride to the Helix and the distance was about 6 kilometres. We had a total of 6 stops including lunch. One of the stops we learned about nature and how a bird keeps their chick alive. It was very interesting and very fun. After, we got into groups we got given a container and had to find insects and bugs. I really enjoyed it but it was really hard to find the bugs at first.

Friday 5th – Tuesday 9th

Hi, Its been a while since I have l wrote to you and a lot is happened so hope you enjoy 🙂

Friday 5th May 2017,

Class Talk

We  started a new thing where we are making a atlas with every single country inside so Miss Stobie  typed up all countries and put them in a red box. Every Friday we pick a country out the red box and do 1 minute fact file talk. I picked and got Trinidad and Tobago here is picture of the flag.

This Friday I am speaking about Comoros so hopefully it will go well. Here is picture of the flag.

Monday 8th May 2017,

High School

On Monday we were having an induction day at the High School. I was really excited and had a lot of fun. At 8am I walked to school and arrived at 8:30. We started walking to the assembly hall to get given our stickers for our house, form class and what we will be doing. We also got given our lunch cards. I found out I was in Avon which is the red house and I was happy because my dad was in Avon when he was little. We got a tour around all the different classes. Then after all the classes it was lunch and the food was amazing I had fish and chips with a cake and it was delicious. After lunch there was some entertainment and Mr Cockburn’s awful jokes. Then it was home time and we finished at 14:40

Tuesday 9th May 2017,

On Tuesday we went to the library for History week. We learned a lot of things that happened in the past. After that we made planes and they were very fun.

Thanks for reading and see you soon bye !!!!!!!!!!!!