Wednesday 22nd – Wednesday 29th

Friday 24th March 2017,

Red Nose


  Last Friday was Red Nose Day, so at school, we had dress down with a touch of red. We raised exactly £283.25 and my favourite red nose was DJ Boogle.

Tuesday 28th March 2017,


In our topic, we were learning about space shuttles that ended in a disaster. We watched a video Challenger and Columbus exploding. We also watched videos on the ISS (International Space Station) doing things which we do really easily every day on Earth like Brushing your teeth, Going to sleep and Washing your hair. We also learned a lot about Tim Peake and it was really interesting. We also took a quiz to see if we had what it would take to be a astronaut.

Tuesday 28th March 2017,


This Week I Really enjoyed P:E and because it was are last week before the Easter Holidays  we had our Reward lesson and we did Dogeball. It was a close game but we won by 1 point.

This was my week and thank you for reading it.

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