Wednesday 22nd – Wednesday 29th

Friday 24th March 2017,

Red Nose


  Last Friday was Red Nose Day, so at school, we had dress down with a touch of red. We raised exactly £283.25 and my favourite red nose was DJ Boogle.

Tuesday 28th March 2017,


In our topic, we were learning about space shuttles that ended in a disaster. We watched a video Challenger and Columbus exploding. We also watched videos on the ISS (International Space Station) doing things which we do really easily every day on Earth like Brushing your teeth, Going to sleep and Washing your hair. We also learned a lot about Tim Peake and it was really interesting. We also took a quiz to see if we had what it would take to be a astronaut.

Tuesday 28th March 2017,


This Week I Really enjoyed P:E and because it was are last week before the Easter Holidays  we had our Reward lesson and we did Dogeball. It was a close game but we won by 1 point.

This was my week and thank you for reading it.

15th March – 22nd March

16th March 2017,

 On Thursday we had a competition to see which 4 pupils would go through to the Rotary Quiz  against Beancross and Bowhouse. They were 8 categories some were Science and Technonagy , Scotland and Its People and much more variety. The 4 people that were chosen were Angus, Greer, Charlotte and James. Angus, Charlotte and James got a total of 46 points and Greer got total of 40 points. I also got a total of 31 points and the quiz was really fun.

17th March 2017,

Competition Day!!!!!!!

On Friday it was competition day and it was very intense but are hard work payed off and Bowhouse came 3rd, Beancross came 2nd and Moray came 1st. GO MORAY !!!!!

Monday 20th March 2017,


This week we have been learning all about constellations. They’re 88 named constellations and some of the most known ones are Hercules, Draco and Pegasus. After we finished learning about constellations we even made are own constellations and that was really fun.

Tuesday 21st March 2017,

Math Games

The platinum group made math games for us to play. They had to include percentages in their games. The games were really fun and competitive.

Belmont 2017!!!

Our residential trip

Hi! Today I’m going to talk to you today about Belmont and it was amazing and can’t wait to tell you all about it.

Monday 6th March 2017,

Monday we arrived at school at 8:50am at the assembly hall. At 9:30am we got on the bus and waved off our family goodbye and then the bus was off. I sat beside  Angus and we played games and chatted. After 1 hour and a half we arrived and I was so excited. When we got out the bus and got our luggage we went straight to our dorms and our dorm was Glamis. We dropped are luggage of at the dorms and the went straight to the assembly hall. When we went to assembly we found out our groups and my group were me, Lara, Aaliyah, Conner, Aiden, Amy, Cathrin, Cameron B, Cameron S, Mason and Derek. Then we got into our groups and had a tour around Belmont and we also had the best instructor Kev and Nicky. Then we had lunch and I had Mac & Cheese. After lunch we had our first activity orienteering and that was fun. then we had our night activity which was pirates and Travellers.

Tuesday 7th March 2017,

Tuesday was our first proper day and first we had breakfast first and then we went to our first activity LOD.

Living Out Doors was really good and we did a lot of things and I  even learned a lot of new things. We also roasted marshmallows and they were very delicious!!!!!!!

Radio Rescue was fun and exciting  and I liked that we got to go to different places to find the pieces so we could find Wilson (The Headless man)

Pole Climb was one of my favourite activities I did and I also got to the top and hit the ball

Wednesday 8th March 2017,

Archery was also another favourite of mine and I thought I did quite good but it was freezing and cold  so we went to the cafeteria  and got lots of hot chocolate.

Tree Climb was also my favourite and it was 12 meters and I rang the bell

YME was also really good and at the end we got lemon cake

Thursday 9th March 2017,

We did Flying Fox and it was really fun and that was also one of my favourite activities. Later that night we had the disco and I made lots of new friends and it was a good night and we even had dance battles to Juju On Dat Beat.

Here is a link to My 2017 Belmont Movie

15th February – 1st March

15th February 2017,

Hi!, I am very exited to tell you about what I have done for the past two weeks so lets get started.

Planets and Dwarf Planets

Throughout the weeks we have been learning about Space . Our main focus over the past few weeks have been our Planets in the Solar System. Firstly, we learned about the Rocky Planets and they are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Which means they are the closest planet to the sun. Secondly, we learned the Gas Planets and they are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune and it was really fun learning lots of facts about the planets. Thirdly, we learned about Dwarf Planets and there are Eris, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake and Ceres. We also had homework and had to make a Solar System fact file.

18th February 2017,

French Restaurant

We have been doing a lot of French lately so we decided to make a French restaurant. Everyone has  made menus and meals. Today the P5s are coming to our French restaurant to try our delicious meals so I hope the enjoy it!

20th February 2017,

Harry Potter

For Literacy Week  we have been reading Harry Potter and it has been really fun. We have made wands and boxes for our Ollivander shop window display. Here is a picture of my class with our wands.

Here is another picture of Ollivander which Angus, Madison and I made.