Monday 6th – Wednesday 8th

Monday 6th February 2017,

Ghost Tower

Hi! On Monday we read the last Chapter of Ghost Tower by Andrew G Taylor. It was very exciting and always left a cliff hanger so I really wanted to know what would happen next. I would really recommend this to people that like Sci-Fi/Horror fiction books but I thought it  was quite predictable at the end of some of the chapters. After the end of the chapter we got split into groups and we had to make freeze frames about the book. Here is a link to Fiction Express.

Here is picture with our group.


Tuesday 7th  January 2017


Yesterday we got split into groups to learn about different types of galaxies. I was in a group with Angus and Katie. We got given a picture to do a See, Think and Wonder task. After we completed the task we shared with the class our See, Think and Wonders.


Tuesday 7th February 2017

What I Enjoyed This Week

Yesterday at P.E. we played animal bench ball with Miss Clarkson and it was really fun because she also put music on. I really liked our group and we all did really well.

Start of Space Topic

Monday 30th 2017,

Start of Space

Hi! Today we are starting our Space topic . We were talking about the Big Bang Theory and I learned a lot of new facts. The Big Bang happened 13.8 billion years ago. If the  Big Bang didn’t happen we wouldn’t be here today.

Wednesday 1st 2017,

The Scale Of The Universe 2

Today we went to ICT and learned more about Space. We learned how big the universe is and it is really big. This is the website we used


Here  is a picture of our Milky Way galaxy.