Sports Day!

Primary 3/2 had lots of fun at their Sports Day today! Unfortunately our lovely Scottish weather meant that it couldn’t be held outside on the astroturf as planned, but we didn’t let that didn’t spoil our fun! In the morning we enjoyed taking part in P2 and P3 sprint and egg and spoon races – check out photos of our winners below! We all had fun though and realised it was about taking part and enjoying ourselves! In the afternoon we got to take part in potted sports where we tried lots of different activities to earn points for our houses – it was lots of fun!

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Personal Research Projects

Over the last 2 weeks, P3/2 have been working on their personal research projects as part of their homework. They could choose to do it on a hobby they are interested in, a city or country, their favourite band or sport, anything at all! I am so impressed at the quality of work the boys and girls have produced. We have had lots of varied topics, presented in many different ways including posters, books, Powerpoint presentations and cubes! The children have been so enthusiastic about researching and presenting their topic of choice; it is clear we have some very independent learners in P3/2!DSC04421 DSC04424 DSC04427 DSC04430 DSC04434 DSC04437 DSC04439 DSC04441 DSC04445 DSC04465 DSC04466 DSC04467 DSC04472 DSC04474 DSC04476