Plants and Growing

We are really enjoying our topic. Our bean plant is making excellent progress and we are recording this in our bean diaries – check out our photos below! We are also growing our own cress and investigated the best conditions for plants to grow in. Today we visited our new wildlife garden where we used garden equipment to make sure the soil had lots of air in it and was nice and fresh. Then we sowed our wild flower seeds. We are hoping our flowers will start to grow soon and encourage new wildlife including butterflies and honey bees.

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Measure – Length

We have been investigating different ways of measuring length. P3 have been learning how to measure length in centimetres (cm) and metres (m), and are able to state the most appropriate way to measure different lengths. P2 have been using non-standard units of measure including handspan, feet and cubes. Here they are doing some fantastic measuring!

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P3/2 enjoyed investigating volume last week. We experimented with different containers and estimated what would hold more/less.  P2 were able to use this information to order containers from least to most volume.  P3 also began to look at scales for measuring volume. We identified that volume of liquid is normally measured using millilitres (ml) or litres (l), and were able to measure out a specific volume using a measuring jug and reading the scale.

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