Dik Dik

These are out dik diks at Kelpie zoo. Did you know? Dik diks are quite small probably smaller than your common house dog. They are part of the antelope species however not the smallest in the species. Even though they are small they are very speedy animals. They like to eat leaves , grass etc




These are our 2 Gorillas. they are part of a breeding program, because there are less than 200,000 gorillas left n the wild even though that’s a big number, Gorillas are known as one of the most endangered animals. They are known as IUCN (International Union for Conversation of Nature).

File:Moka with baby gorilla at Pittsburgh Zoo 2, 2012-02-17.jpg - Wikimedia  Commons


Our elephant is called freckle he is a male. He likes peanuts but he also likes water melon as a special treat. His girlfriend is called Liza and she is expecting a baby in June. he is currently 15. Did you know? Elephants tusks can grow up to 6 foot in length?

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