On Monday 18th March to Friday 22nd March 2013 P6 were doing Max in the Middle. It is about keeping fit and eating healthy.
On Monday we all got to know George and Lisa. Lisa helped us with the dance and George taught us loads of thing about eating healthy and keeping fit. We also got given our own max files they are our own personal booklet to put things in it like what we had for breakfast and lunch and how we felt.
On Tuesday we got to make some healthy food and taste them we called it Tasty Tuesday.
On Wednesday it was called workout Wednesday because we got to make up two dances.
On Thursday we were putting everything we did together to make up a show for Friday.
On Friday we called it Finale Friday because we got to show our parents what we did over the past week it was good fun and at the end our parents got to try the food that we tried on Tuesday.
On Tuesday the teachers measured us to see what size top we were because we got to wear tops that had Max in the Middle on them.
On Friday we also went into groups and we had to do M.A.X with our bodies. We acted thing out as well. It was really fun doing max in the middle we will always remember it.
It sounds like alot of fun. I can remember whn we done Max In the Middle and we made really good food on Tasty Tuesday and we done a really cool dance on Workout Wednesday. 😛
i really enjoyed max in the middle. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
this is kellie talking on Danielle strang’s laptop so we all say hi:)