NHS Funding for Children and Young People with Complex Health Care Needs – Guidance


A number of children and young people across Falkirk have been identified as having complex health needs. Support staff are often required to monitor or carry out medical interventions in school, procedures that would be carried out in the home or community by parents/carers, health visitors or a registered nurse.

NHS Forth Valley can provide financial support (in the form of SFLA funded hours) to address the additional time required in delivering complex healthcare tasks by support staff.  They can also provide training, supervision and monitoring in relation to such tasks.  Requests for training, supervision and monitoring should be made to the ASN Service by the Headteacher or Head of Centre.

The ASN Service collates such requests from Falkirk establishments and presents these to the NHS Forth Valley Complex Care Service where arrangements will be made for a joint assessment.



A child or young person is deemed to have complex health needs if the following criteria are met:

3 of the following areas of severe or profound impairment:

·       Motor

·       Speech and language

·       Vision

·       Hearing

·       Cognitive ability

·       Behaviour

·       Additional chronic health needs







Need for at least 2 additional resources:


·       Therapy services

·       Additional nursing care needs

·       Additional educational resources

·       Additional social care resources

·       Mental Health services

If a child requires adult intervention or supervision to carry out any of the following procedures, a request can be made for funding to NHS Forth Valley Complex Care Panel for SFLA hours to cover the time taken:

  • Suction
  • Gastrostomy feeding
  • Stoma / Colostomy support
  • Catheterisation
  • Intravenous Line management
  • Epilepsy / Seizure management (including administration of medicines)
  • Oxygen management
  • Tracheostomy
  • Physiotherapy (excluding mobility assistance)

Please note, at this time, diabetes is not a condition for which a request for Complex Care hours can be made.

Request for Assistance – Complex Care (NHS) Funded Hours Form

Across Falkirk Council there are a number of young people who are identified as requiring complex health care support.  Requests for this assistance should be sent to edu.nhs@falkirk.gov.uk.

This information will be passed to the NHS Complex Care Panel for consideration. Only the following interventions are applicable:

  1. Suctioning                          6. Epilepsy Management (Inc. admin’ of medicine)
  2. Gastrostomy                      7. Oxygen Management
  3. Stoma/Colostomy support    8. Tracheostomy
  4. Catheterisation                   9. Physiotherapy
  5. Intravenous Line                 10. Other (not diabetes)

Incomplete forms will be returned to the requester.

New Request     (Has never received NHS funded SfLA hours)

Continuation      How many hours have been granted previously?                      __________                                                 

When was the young person last in receipt of these hours?            /           /

Child’s Name  
Date of Birth  
Current Stage  
Attendance Percentage  
Requester’s Name  
Requester’s Designation  
Date of Referral  

Regular Complex Care Tasks

Intervention Required Frequency Per Week

Duration Per Intervention


Total Per Week (Minutes) Comments










Irregular Complex Care Tasks

Intervention Required How many times in the last 12 months has this intervention been require in school?

Duration Per Intervention












Number of hours requested from NHS Forth Valley:

Any additional comments to support your request:



2023 2024 NHS Guidance and Form