ALL SOCIAL WORK TEAMS can be contacted through the Council’s Contact Centre – (01324) 506070
you also have the option to e mail at the following address if you’re call is not urgent:
Contact Us Form – Online.
We have introduced a contact Us Form on our website so that people can contact SW about any non-urgent matters. The mailbox is screened daily, and all messages will be passed on timeously.
The form can be found at:
- then Contact us
- Direct URL
- If search for “Social Work”, it brings up all the offices and when you click on East/West and Central the form is there.
The West Locality (Denny and Stenhousemuir teams) are based at Carronbank House in Denny, East locality, (Grangemouth and Boness teams), are based at Grangemouth Social Work Office and our Central Locality, (Brockville and Camelon teams) are based in the Camelon Social Work office.
Our Initial Response Team (IRT) is the single point of contact for all new referrals to the service, and they are based at Grangemouth Social Work Office. The team have responsibility for all NEW REFERRALS or CLOSED cases.
If the child has an allocated social worker or is an open case pending allocation case to one of the locality teams, then any calls/referrals in relation to the child should be directed to the relevant locality team where the child lives.
If the allocated social worker is unavailable, or the case is pending allocation to the locality team, there will be a social worker available daily providing a duty worker role in each team. The telephone numbers for each of the locality duty workers are: –
East Locality
Grangemouth & Boness Teams – 01324 501193
Central Locality
Brockville & Camelon Teams – 01324 506460
West Locality
Stenhousemuir and Denny Teams – 01324 504144
(These numbers should only be used when the allocated social worker is unavailable and the call cannot wait, or the case is pending allocation so there in not a named social worker assigned to the case.)
If you are unable to contact the allocated social worker and the call does not need an immediate child protection response, a message can be left requesting a call back. If the call is important and a response is required that day, the duty worker can be contacted and/or an e mail can be sent to the duty e mail box detailed below. These mailboxes are screened daily.
If the referral requires an urgent child protection response, then please call the allocated worker or duty worker. If you are unable to contact any of them, contact the Assistant Team Manager or Team Manager – mobile numbers and e mail addresses are detailed below. Please do not e mail child protection referrals without having a telephone discussion first.
Contact Information for Locality Teams
East Locality (Bo’ness Team)
Team Manager 07483943706 |
Assistant Team Manager Kathy Grant 07714695171 | |
East Locality (Grangemouth Team)
Team Manager 07483144069 Mon – Thursday |
Assistant Team Manager Ashleigh Flanigan 07483412571 |
West Locality (Denny Team)
Team Manager
Sandra Steel
Assistant Team Manager
Kim Watts 07739328510 | |
West Locality (Stenhousemuir Team)
Team Manager 01324 504053 |
Assistant Team Manager Pending | |
Central Locality (Brockville Team)
Team Manager |
Assistant Team Manager 07738143623 |
Central Locality (Camelon Team)
Team Manager Donna Armstrong 07775617802 |
Assistant Team Manager Eleanor Wilson 07739328389 |
Children With Disability Team (Camelon)
Team Manager Anne Jarvie |
Senior | |
Absent at present |
Initial Response Team
Team Manager Michaela Porco |
Assistant Team Manager Jeanette McKellar 07803898190 |
Leaving Care Team |
Team Manager |
Team Manager |
Jenny Kane |
Elizabeth McArthur |
07803898085 |
0783412411 |
| | |
Gayle Mcintyre
Service Manager, Localities, AUGUST 2023