A welcome message for P1 pupils from Miss Wilson

Well this is an important week for all of our Primary 1 children who are starting school on Thursday! We are working very hard this week, planning and preparing for you to come to school. We are organising our classrooms and putting new wall displays up. We are organising where you will hang your coat and putting your name label on your tray. But most of all, we are making sure that our classrooms are warm, welcoming and safe for you on Thursday morning.

We will add some pictures and videos of the classrooms and areas when they are all ready, but Miss Wilson has written a special message that she wanted to share with you.

Click on the picture to make the text clearer.



A Welcome Message to P1F from Miss Furmage

Well this is an important week for all of our Primary 1 children who are starting school on Thursday! We are working very hard this week, planning and preparing for you to come to school. We are organising our classrooms and putting new wall displays up. We are organising where you will hang your coat and putting your name label on your tray. But most of all, we are making sure that our classrooms are warm, welcoming and safe for you on Thursday morning.

We will add some pictures and videos of the classrooms and areas when they are all ready, but Miss Furmage had a special message that she wanted to share with you.


Keeping Connected – Groupcall and School App


At Deanburn Primary School we use a range of different methods for keeping connected with our families.

One of the main ways in which we communicate with parents is via our Groupcall messenger service. We can send out text messages or emails to families for quick and easy communication with different groups of parents.  Groupcall relies on the school having up to date contact details for every parent/ carer. Please make sure that we have your most up to date phone and email details.

We also use the School App for Parents which is free and available on both Google Play and Apple App store.

  • On  Apple App store, search for ‘PSA’ and the icon above should appear.
  • Download the app and then search for ‘Deanburn Primary School’  and select.
  • You will be able to have more than one school selected on the app at the same time.


We also use Twitter  ( @DeanburnPS)  to share information and the successes and achievements of our learners and school community. Each class has a Twitter account and staff update this regularly. Your child’s teacher will inform you of their  Class Twitter account once school has started.

Mrs Cassidy sends out regular digital newsletters which are sent through the Groupcall email system and each of our classes produces a termly newsletter, sharing the learning and any upcoming experiences that your child will be taking part in.


As part of our Nursery/P1 Transition this year, we have asked that every child in our school community creates a butterfly which they can display in their window or garden, as we have done with rainbows during lockdown.

Our new P1s will be able to see these butterflies on their daily walks around Bo’ness, and know that that is a welcoming symbol to tie us together while we are staying safe at home. Our new P1 pupils are more than welcome to join in with this task and create a beautiful butterfly to join in with the rest of the school.

Welcome everyone!


This is a new blog, which has been set up as a place of information for families of our new Primary 1 and Nursery children as we plan transitions between settings during this  Covid-19 Pandemic.

The site will be a place where parents will find links to vidoes, information documents and websites which will offer information and support at a time where connection and communication are critically important.

We are currently waiting on  guidance from Falkirk Council and the Scottish Government regarding how settings will look when children return to our buildings in August.

Our Headteacher, Mrs Cassidy, will of course update you on our usual communication channels via Groupcall and on our school App as soon as  she can. She recorded  a welcome message for our new Primary 1 children.

Welcome to Deanburn !- A message from our Headteacher

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