In Primary 6V, we all have our own Glow blogs. You can find links to them HERE . If you read them, you’ll find out lots of things about what we do inside and outside school.
This post is about some of the books we like to read. We like our new reading books so much that some of us decided to write reviews about them on our Glow blogs.
You can check out Anna’s review on a Margaret Ryan book by clicking on her weemee . She gives it 9 out of 10, so it sounds like a good read 🙂
The book that Mason has just read comes with a warning that it contains some strong language but he still recommends it for Primary 6 stage. Have a look at what he has to say by following the link to his blog post about it .
The third book review is by Natasha. She gives her book seven out of ten – but she doesn’t give too much away just in case you want to try reading the book for yourself 🙂 . Check out Natasha’s review by clikcking on her weemee
If anyone out there has read any of these books, we’d love to hear what you think about them. Leave us a comment and let us know if you agree or disagree with our reviews … and check back often to read about what else we write about on our Glow blogs.