It was good to share our views, and contribute to a cleaner community. We have the right to a clean and safe environment. ♻️ #carmuirsrights #carmuirseco #responsiblecitizens #sdg13 #climateaction
— Carmuirs P3/2 (@Carmuirsp3_2) November 3, 2021
A very enthusiastic Primary 3 class from @Carmuirsp4_3 helped keep the car park at @Camelonjuniors #tidycleangreen and carry out a litter survey for @KeepScotlandbeautiful, a great experience in the autumnal sunshine. #Netzero
— Safer Communities youth action project. (@SaferstreetsYP) November 3, 2021
@carmuirsprimary @Carmuirsp4_3 pupils came up with wonderful ideas for making @Camelonjuniors car park a safer place for young people to use and also help keep the community #tidycleangreen
— Safer Communities youth action project. (@SaferstreetsYP) November 3, 2021