Author: S Wilson

I am very proud to be Depute Head teacher of Carmuirs Primary School. I work with an incredible team of people to inspire and support the children in Camelon.

Carmuirs Rainbows

The Carmuirs staff and their children have joined in too

Our newest addition to our rainbow collection. Well done girls.


Mrs Wilson’s granddaughter has joined in with us



Well Done E!

You are first to share your amazing art work with me. I love your message at the top. Great Job x E’s mum told me ‘Erin done her rainbow picture yesterday and was delighted this morning when a neighbour left a thank you for making me smile card at our door and a small gift…how kind x’































I love your rainbow E. And you have used one of our school values. Be happy and safe.

Has anyone else any photos of completing our family learning activities? If so remember to share them with me at


App of the day – Reading Eggs

Reading Eggs makes learning to read interesting and engaging for kids from 2 years right up to 13 years. It has great online reading games and activities.And it really works!Children love the games, songs, golden eggs and other rewards which, along with feeling proud of their reading, really motivate children to keep exploring and learning. Your child can learn to read right now.Register now to start your FREE  30 day trial! You don’t need to put in any bank or card details, just use your email address to get started.

Once you’ve tried it out, please come back to this page and tell me what you think.



Rainbows for younger children

You might have already sent me your rainbow pictures. I hope they are up on your window for everyone to see.

Below is a song for you to learn about rainbows and a story for you to listen to.

Rainbow Science

If I could catch a rainbow

I would do it just for you

And share with you it’s beauty

When you are feeling blue


But how are rainbows formed? The video below explains the science behind it.

Fancy making some rainbow colours and patterns of your own? You will need to ask an adult to go to the shop and buy a packet of skittles. Then you can watch the experiments below and give them a try.

Again if you do this, please take photos and email them to me at

Rainbow Art

Have you seen any rainbows on windows or heard people talking about them?

Rainbows remind us that when we face ‘stormy’ times that it won’t last forever. Soon the sun will come out and rainbows will appear. Rainbows are a sign of hope. Lots of people are drawing and painting rainbows and sticking them onto their windows to show that things will be okay. The nice bright colours also cheer us up.

Here’s a link to read about how it all started.

Why don’t you have a go at doing this too. Below are some ideas to help you.

Share your rainbows with me by taking a photo. I will add them here and on to twitter to show everyone your art work. You can email me your photos to It would be lovely to see you in the photo too. If you have play doh or plasticine in the house you could have a go at a model rainbow like the one below.

About the Carmuirs Challenge






Every Friday, there will be quiz posted with questions related to the activities on this site. The winners each week will get a special mention and placed on the leaderboard. Each week I will announce the Weekly winner and who is top of the overall leaderboard. Please join in and good luck!!!!

Support for Parents

The situation that we find ourselves in is unprecedented and is having such an impact on all of our lives. We must remember that the stress we feel, is also felt by our children. The most important thing that they need right now is connection and to know that they and everyone that they care about is safe and well.

Please don’t feel that the priority at this time is ‘formal learning’ but rather enjoy watching how your child is naturally learning all of the time. Make use of the resources available but don’t expect a strict routine, similar to school. The most important things at this time are laughter and togetherness. Read and listen to stories, play board games and talk and sing together. If you can take part in some of the activities suggested here.

If you have any concerns or just need some ideas or reassurance, please email me at

Do not feel alone, the staff in Carmuirs are in this with you and we will do all we can to support you and your family.

There is a link to my email at the top and bottom of the home page too.

For general questions to other parents you can use the Reply box underneath.

Monday Assembly



The wonderful Fischy music are playing their part in supporting childrens’ wellbeing during this worrying time. Listen to the video below to hear more about what they have to offer. I have also put a link to their fischy tunes website above



Every Monday at 11am they will be doing an assembly for children.

Please tune in on the link below. Children please use the reply button below to tell me what your favourite song is.

Daily Activity 2 – A little bit of science every day


Glasgow Science Centre are bringing a short video clip directly to your home everyday at 10am.

You can watch this through You Tube, Facebook or Twitter. I also intend to add some to this page along with some questions to work your brain.

Here is a sample of the videos that will be shared.

Daily Activity 1 -Start with some exercise

Every school morning at 9am, there will be a PE session on the You Tube Channel below.

Why not set a link on your TV, Tablet or Computer to this You Tube channel so that you are ready to get started at 9am on Monday morning.

Let me know if you are ready to go.

After you have taken part in P.E., send me a reply with how many stars you would give your workout – 5 is the most and means you are very red and sweaty. Remember that you might need to click on the big heading at the top to be able to reply.