Tag: Book Week Scotland

Book Week Scotland

Book Week Scotland is a week-long celebration of books and reading that takes place every November.

During Book Week, people of all ages and walks of life will come together in libraries, schools, community venues and workplaces to share and enjoy books and reading. They will be joined in this celebration by Scotland’s authors, poets, playwrights, storytellers and illustrators to bring a packed programme of events and projects to life.

Scottish Book Trust are now accepting applications for Book Week Scotland event funding! The deadline for applications is Friday 2 June,5pm.


Book Week Scotland 2015


Book Week Scotland runs from 23rd – 29th November. This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate books and reading. Visit Scottish Book Trust’s website to find out what is happening during this week, to find out how you can contribute and to get ideas to make reading irresistible for your children. The Learning Resource Service will be leading events throughout the week in a variety of places including nurseries, schools and Polmont Young Offenders Institute. Let the Learning Resource Service, lrs@falkirk.gov.uk know what you are doing to celebrate Book Week Scotland.
