Author: Miss Wallace

Skilled for Life?

This first OECD Skills Outlook presents the initial results of the Survey of Adult Skills (PIACC), which evaluates the skills of adults in 22 OECD member countries and two partner countries. The survey was designed to provide insights into the availability of some key skills and how they are used at work and at home through the direct assessment of key information processing skills: literacy, numeracy and problem-solving in technology-rich environments. The book examines the social and economic context, the supply of key information processing skills, who has these skills at what level, the supply of and demand for these skills in the labour market, the acquisition and maintenance of skills over a lifetime, and how proficiency in these skills translates into better economic and social outcomes.

The presentation can be viewed by clicking on this hyperlink.

OECD Survey of Adult Skills

The ‘basic skills’ of literacy and numeracy are among the most fundamental attributes of human beings and their civilization, lying at the root of our capacity to communicate and live and work together, to develop and share knowledge, science and culture. Their contribution to workforce skills have increasingly been recognized as critical to economic success, while evidence on gaps in adult basic skills and the link with economic and social outcomes has also been growing, both at national and international level (e.g. International Survey of Adult Skills of 1994-98 and Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey of 2003-2007). Most tellingly, there has been a belated realization that despite universal basic education in advanced countries, some adults have slipped through the net, leaving them with very weak literacy and numeracy. All of these factors underline the importance of the OECD’s new international Survey of Adult Skills.

This report on skills in the US draws out the policy implications of the Survey for the US, while also making use of some additional data collected for the Survey on the US alone. The study does not directly evaluate relevant US policies and programs – such as schooling and adult education. Instead it identifies in the results of the Survey some key lessons about the strategic objectives and directions which should form a frame for policy development in the US, including policy on adult learning and schooling.

Click on this link to access slideshow with findings.

Practical Solutions for Early Intervention

This document ‘Practical Solutions for Early Intervention’ can be found in all Falkirk Council early level establishments.

It contains practical examples of learning experiences aimed at talking and listening, reading and writing.

This is a valuable document and embraces the aims of Falkirk Council’s Literacy Strategy.

The scanned document can be accessed from here: Practical Solutions for Early Intervention.

For more information, please contact the Curriculum Support Team at Camelon Education Centre.

Every Day’s a Learning Day – Literacy

This animation is to assist parents and carers to support their child’s learning and development at home, based on Education Scotland’s publication “Every day is a learning day”.

 It is part of one of the Early Years Collaborative initiatives in Falkirk Council.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /] 

Developing Reading Skills Using Blooms

Mary Jalland at Westquarter Primary School attended a school based CAT session on reading where Sharon Wallace, Curriculum Support Officer for Falkirk Council, talked about using Blooms fans with pupils to develop deeper understanding of 'texts'.

 Mary went back to class and tried this out using 'The Gruffalo' as a text with some stunning results.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

Walkie Talkie Group

Age 1-3 This group is run jointly by Pre-School Home Visiting Education Service and Speech and Language Therapy (Pre-School ASN). Runs weekly during term time at Laurieston Centre, James Street, Laurieston. Children attend with parent/carer. Basic communication skills and Makaton signing are encouraged using a structured programme of songs, rhymes and activities. Free play at the start allows time for observation of skills, peer interaction and discussion with parents.

Further information can be accessed via:

Janet Hutton – Pre-school Home Visiting Teacher

Tel: 01324 501983

 Heather Lynch – Pre-School ASN Speech and Language Therapist

Tel: 01324 623485

Baby Group (Pre-School Home Visiting Education Service)

Pre-Birth to 1 YearThis group is run by Pre-School Home Visiting Education Service. Group is for babies who have Additional Support Needs and their parents/carers. Meets monthly on first Monday of the month in Camelon Education Centre Community Wing.

Aims of this group are:

  • To enable parents/carers to have contact with others in a similar situation
  • To encourage development and interaction through play and song
  • To raise awareness of support and services available in Falkirk area
  • To increase confidence and enable parents/carers to access further opportunities

For further information on this, please contact: 

Pre-school Home Visiting Teachers – Maureen, Janet, Alison and Nancy.

Tel: 01324 501664, 501983, 503713, 501687