Myself and My Family Topic

As part of our new topic this term we have been learning about hygiene.  We have been learning how to wash our hands, keep germs away and how to look after our teeth.

To help us with our topic Mrs Cooper (Grace’s mum) kindly came into our class on Friday the 7th of February to tell us all about her job as a dental hygienist.  We had great fun learning about how to look after our teeth with Mrs Cooper.  She taught us about plaque (we made furry teeth with cotton wool), how to brush our teeth properly (with the help of her puppet), about foods that are good for our teeth and foods that are not so good and finally about how much sugar you can find in some of the foods we eat.

We even got some special stickers and a colouring in sheet for working so hard!

Here are some photos of the activities that we took part in: