Had one of those great after work put the world to rights and sort out next term type chats today. One of my colleagues jumped on board with the idea of improving an Animal classification/conservation topic by using Endless Ocean as the stimulus. All the usual learning that goes on with regard to land animals could easily be replaced/supplemented/extended by being marine based.
However, tonight I then realised that why not keep it on land with Wild Earth African Safari? Both offer an obvious route in to the topic and endless options of avenues to explore… I was thrilled that my colleague responded with such enthusiasm.
Another staff member has already lined up Guitar Hero for the summer term project. Currently I’m searching for something to form the crux of a Comparative Study project, looking at Scotland and a Developing World country. Any thoughts, any ideas? Suggestions of games warmly received!
btw how slow is this new editor!?
Howabout the relationship between Scotland and Malawi? It was jack McConnells big thing and there are many links between the two countries.
One organisation that may be worth looking at is Mary’s Meals. the work with schools in the developing world – the deal being that if a family/child agrees formally to attend school then they are guaranteed a meal each day. The project involves the families in the preparation/distribution etc..
ooo, how cool! u could do a study of scotland and one of the countries Compassion supports kids in with their child sponsorship programme!? then ur class could like, sponsor a child, and they can write and send little pictures back and forward whilst learning about life in a completely opposite culture with someone their age? games… u could blindfold them and get them to do taste, touch, smell tests of foods and objects from different countries!! or play the facebook geo game thing which tests ur knowledge of the world! oh, the possibilities are endless..