Currently listening to Armchair Apocrypha by Andrew Bird. Whilst driving around Ontario, heard Scythian Empires on Syrius, often!
This album offers a greater variety of songs than the usual Singer songwriter style. There are a number of catchy rifts here, coupled with excellent insightful lyrics… including one of being a boy throwing away all his action toys as he became obsessed with Operation!
Also, the much anticipated Under the Blacklight by Rilo Kiley. Self proclaimed music gurus on cult culture websites have given this mixed reviews – the kind of folk who while having no musical talent of their own like to slate others who have…
To me, who cannot review, it is fantastic. Many asked the question how can you follow a quality song such as Portion for Foxes? They have, but not with more of the same, in the style of some bands whose career is basically one long album. There is a greater use of and variety in Jenny’s voice, more creative use of the guitar, the songs becoming a collective rather than a clone.