But luckily my footy team know how to celebrate winning lots of games!
First we did a spot of this:
Then this:
Then this:Finally more of the first thing! What a fantastic day out, on the hottest day of the year(?). Pure dead brilliant. The River Rocket is capable of over 60mph and when you have two, they have a tendency to play in each others wake (not the funeral sort) and making great doughnuts! It’s the best way to avoid the traffic, leaving the science centre and heading west is normally a pretty slow process… but not on the Clyde! From the water, you see a very different view of Glasgow, which actually starts off smart!
Quadmania seems to be the place to quad, properly, rather than just round a few cones in a field. Forests, hills, ditches, river beds, it’s all there to be quaded over! Follow the rushes around by some relaxing shooting! Nothing better to make you feel like a toff!
All brought together for/by an amazing day!