We have created our own tracks on A3 paper using the attached grid outline. We then added coordinates to these sheets and used them to develop our understanding of grid references. We also completed a brief outline description about our tracks.
Race Timer
We used the project to investigate time and averages. A group timed another group racing a 3 lap race and then calculated the average lap time. This did prove tricky for some, as we had to convert minutes and seconds to seconds first. Some pupils haven’t really investigated time at all much, yet. We also had stop watches available at the class Scaletrix track for use by pupils. A typical record sheet looks like:
Driver: Jack
Character: Mario
Kart: Mario standard kart
Track: Toad’s Factory
Total time: 3 min`s 9 sec’s
Time taken for 3 laps: 189 sec’s
Average lap time: 63 seconds