Comment from a pupil on Friday… “this isn’t science, it’s a game!” We were looking at the circulation system. The class had roles of either being a body part, such as the heart, lungs, legs, or being some blood – moving from body part to the heart to the lungs and so on. I was quite surprised in a way at the comment, but in another way a bit worried that by P5/6 they hadn’t had much experience of Active Learning. Our P1s are well into it, but there must be a big gap in between! Even working in groups seems to be a novelty for the class…
Different folk, different methodologies I suppose…
Going to write up my use of Buzz! The Schools Quiz soon, with the class doing likewise, using 6 thinking hats (or the 5 we have learnt so far!).
Also just started using a Dance Mat with stepmania. Not sure when and where to put this into practice, obviously good for health, PE, brain breaks… after wet intervals especially. Ideas?
Any ideas on how to overcome the global Wii shortage?